Quality Time with the Keenes



Eager To Please

Here's an animation test for our project "Eager to Please". It most likely will become a live action project...but it's fun to see where it all began.

Uploaded by LondonSquared on 2012-10-04.

In the Mood for Death

Jamie has been trying her best to create the perfect death. But life keeps getting in the way.

Learn to Shave with Danny Dresden! For more "Made You Cringe", check out Eager-to-Please.com

Made You Cringe Episode 1: SHAVE

Learn to Shave with Danny Dresden!

It's a school dance, Made-You-Cringe style! For more cringe-worthy moments...plus comics and more go to: Eager-To-Please.com

Made You Cringe Episode 2: Vivian Wong

It's a school dance, Made-You-Cringe style!

Good morning! What better way to welcome the day than with a MADE YOU CRINGE! Want more Cringe? Go to Eager-to-Please.com for comix, cartoons and more!

Made You Cringe Episode 3: Feeling Ducky

Good morning!

Installment one of autobiographical tales of poop.

Shit Chronicles Episode 1

Installment two of autobiographical tales of poop.

Shit Chronicles Episode 2

Installment three of autobiographical tales of poop.

Shit Chronicles Episode 3


Installment four of autobiographical tales of poop.

A travelogue about a trip to Turkey that goes horribly awry. If you want good taste and high art, this is not the post for you. For the rest of you sickos, enjoy!